We propose a series of activities starting during the World Social Forum 2016 (WSF) in Montreal but part of a longer process of cooperation. These activities won't be part of the official WSF programme, but take place within the Commons Space. The core idea is to co-create a kind of network assembly extending the previous work from the TransforMap community (2014+), Remix the Commons (2012+), ESSGlobal (2011+), and others onto a global scale.
A great number of communities worldwide collect locations and events concerned with societal transformation. They do so on site or on their websites. What they are mapping are the bottom-up alternatives to the dominant neoliberal society and economy.
When the different approaches and movements come together - without merging into one, when they link the underlying data, a very diverse ecosystem will emerge. For this to happen, it requires, that we agree on data standards that allow the different projects and data-bases to converge: for instance into transformaps. There Are Plenty of Alternatives. This space will be created to make them visible.
Join this sessions starting on Wednesday, August 10 to learn about how practitioners, from *OpenStreetMap*, *Commons*, *Degrowth*, *Social and Solidarity Economy*, *Transition Network*, *Global Ecovillage Network*, the *Collaborative Economy* and many others, shape an atlas which visualises the abundance, diversity and distribution of transformative activities: beyond market and state. Join transformap.co and discourse.transformap.co
to learn more.
(Abstract )